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Specially developed

Our complete end-to-end solution helps construction site teams optimally manage their workforce and site operations.




Customer Success Stories

Browse our case studies from some of the leading construction contractors in the UK.



Biometric Access Control for Construction Sites

MSite not only saves you precious time and reduces paper waste but also caters to your reporting needs with sharp insights, helping you make well-informed decisions every step of the way.

Be Safe. Be Productive. Be One.

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Construction worker

Transforming Workforce Management in Construction

Optimise workforce management for project success

Social Value

Driving social value

Our automated reporting provides detailed analytics on workforce diversity, training, safety, environmental sustainability and community engagement, streamlining compliance and demonstrating a positive impact.

Rise Standards

Raising Site Standards

Guarantee workforce transparency on-site to increase competence, compliance, and productivity, enhancing overall operational efficiency.

Removing Modern Slavery

Removing modern slavery

Ensure worker transparency and accountability through comprehensive identity and skills verification, along with continuous real-time monitoring of activities, performance, and compliance on the construction site.

Optimise Delivery

Optimising delivery

Remove duplication, and automate data collection and reporting to modernise traditional processes throughout the project lifecycle.

Reduce Risk

Reducing risk & errors

Have your workforce arrive pre-enrolled, inducted, and fully credentialed to increase compliance and efficiency. Access comprehensive data gathered on-site, from attendance to briefings, anytime and anywhere, enhancing operational oversight.

Save Money

Saving money

Obtain actionable insights on workforce attendance and activity, and reduce manual tasks and administration, enhancing efficiency in project management.

The Worker Journey

Customer Journey-1

Who we Empower

Project Manager

Project Manager

Gain detailed, real-time insights into workforce attendance, safety compliance, and productivity levels on-site, ensuring projects are completed on time.


Health & Safety

Implement a standardised, digital process for health and safety reporting to reduce inefficient pen and paper approaches, providing accurate and accessible data on incidents.


Quantity Surveyor

Ensure project profitability and efficient resource usage by providing access to comprehensive data on labour and materials utilised on construction sites, optimising operations.

Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Attain full visibility of the supply chain, to ensure everyone involved is fully authorised, properly accredited, and consistently demonstrates the requisite competence.



Meet project objectives and maintain high standards by optimising processes and reducing risk with comprehensive visibility of site operations, workforce efficiency, and compliance.

Social Value

Social Value

Gain insights into workforce demographics, employment rates, skill development, and community engagement, demonstrating your project's positive impact on the local community and economy.



Access detailed insights on digital tool adoption and workflow efficiences, to identify areas for digital optimisation and new solutions that will increase project success.



Report CO2 emissions of site materials by integrating with supply chain systems to analyse carbon footprint from procurement to usage, promoting sustainable practices.

Who we work with

We work collaboratively with our customers to provide a tailored solution; becoming trusted partners and giving them peace of mind they are in control of their sites.

Who we integrate with

Success Stories

Construction line gold member
Microsoft Gold Partner
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