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The benefits of online site inductions for the construction industry

Given how safety-imperative construction work is, the use of a comprehensive construction site induction before workers begin their first day is an essential step. It will offer them the tools they need to work effectively and keep both themselves and their fellow staff members safe - amongst a host of other benefits.

However, while still useful, a traditional in-person site induction can carry drawbacks that can affect the project as a whole, while also affecting the individual productivity and working ability of certain staff members.

Online site inductions are a remedy to this issue - but what exactly are online site inductions, are they suitable for the construction industry and is it worth more sites onboarding MSite’s online site inductions to save time and effort and potentially improve safety measures?

Let’s find out.

What are online inductions?

An online site induction is precisely what it sounds like - a new construction site induction method that is dispersed via an online platform, rather than in-person. They may be a deviation from the norm in terms of the construction industry, but online inductions hold plenty of advantages that companies, site managers and new workers can all benefit from.

How can online inductions benefit the construction sector specifically?

Workers can be more productive

Depending on the specifics of the construction project, site inductions can take virtually any length of time - from less than an hour to multiple hours spread across multiple days, in some cases. While these inductions are essential, this is a lot of time that could be spent more productively by both the worker in question and the member(s) of staff delivering the induction.

This luxury is exactly what online site inductions provide. Rather than workers having to sit through a lengthy site induction on day one, and a member of staff having to deliver the induction, workers can log into the MSite platform before their first day to view all the necessary materials, site rules and health and safety arrangements, ensuring they’re aware of everything they need to know to work on-site.

This way, when workers arrive for their first day, they’re able to sit through a much shorter in-person induction, allowing them to start their work faster and contribute more efficiently to the productivity of the project. Those who would traditionally be delivering the longer induction are also able to utilise their time more effectively and get on with important daily tasks. When onboarded on a large scale and used with many different new starters, the total time saved across the board could amount to a huge uptake in productivity, helping the project come in on time and under budget.

Ensure candidates are qualified

Because all construction sites worth their salt demand qualified and experienced workers if a project is to be completed within the allotted timeframe and all safety standards to be met, checking a new starter’s qualifications has never been more imperative.

However, if a new starter is expected to bring all the relevant paperwork and qualifications with them on their first day - with these documents needing to be carefully checked and vetted before they’re allowed to begin - this creates not only a lot of extra time but also places more pressure on the admin staff on-site.

However, with online inductions, new workers can move through the induction process, picking up all the information they need to learn, while also uploading any documentation that is relevant to their role (including their CITB card) so they can be checked before the worker is expected to begin. 

Not only is this a massive time saver, allowing the worker to start their job quicker, but it is also a great way to weed out potential candidates who are unqualified or exaggerating about their qualifications or experience ahead of time. They can then be replaced with a more suitable candidate before their work is due to begin, saving time and eliminating particular risks due to unqualified workers.

Ensure candidates are knowledgeable

Qualifications are a great way to gauge a worker’s viability for a role, but they can’t tell you everything. It’s possible that even though a worker is qualified, they may not be entirely familiar with certain practices, or may have forgotten details that are key to them performing their role effectively. For example, candidates may have some medical qualifications, but the specifics of first aid arrangements may have escaped them over time.

This is what makes MSite’s Online Inductions tool so useful - along with uploading relevant reading materials, companies can put new workers to the test before they begin by asking them to complete online assessments, proving their suitability for a role. Should a new worker fail an assessment, it may be an indicator that they’re not suited to that specific role, or that more training may be required to bring them up to speed.

Either way, by completing this safeguard ahead of time, construction companies can avoid the headache of unsuitable workers making mistakes and potentially costing the project time and expenses.

Consider MSite for your online construction site inductions

If you’re seeking to cut costs, save time, reinforce health and safety matters and boost productivity on your worksites, consider replacing your current induction setup with Online Inductions from MSite. To find out if this method can produce suitable site inductions for your project - or for more information on any other of our products that will be of service to you - get in touch with the MSite team today.