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How online inductions save construction sites time, effort and money

How online inductions save construction sites time, effort and money

Construction sites are busy, pressured environments where any ounce of lost time or productivity can impact finances and the overall success of the project. Maximising work processes and boosting efficiency should be a number one priority if projects are to be completed on time and under budget - and this is something online inductions could assist with.

Online inductions are precisely what they sound like - site-specific inductions that are completed by new starters online, rather than in an in-person induction setting. While a simple concept, they can make a drastic difference in day-to-day construction site processes, delivering in-depth induction training materials, and offering seamless workflows and powerful features that site admins and safety staff can take advantage of. On top of this, they can be used as part of contractor management to keep track of who has taken the specific inductions they need.

But how precisely could MSite’s Online Induction system and safety induction software save construction companies time, effort and money and improve the induction process? And is delivering inductions online the better option of the two? Keep reading to find out…

The benefits of online site inductions

Saving time

Traditionally, site inductions need to take place as close to a worker’s start time as possible, which is why they’re usually reserved for their first day on the job. However, while this may sound like the best move from a time-saving standpoint, there is a more efficient alternative available.

Online inductions can be completed long before a worker appears at the site for their first shift. Covering all essential induction details, as well as pressing safety information - the worker will only be left to complete a far shorter in-person induction on their first day, with the vast majority of materials having already been viewed in their own time.

This means the worker is free to get started in their new role faster, saving time. When looked at from the perspective of a single worker, this might not sound like a lot of time saved. But if companies hire people in large numbers frequently, this will undoubtedly add up to a lot of saved time and result in an increased level of productivity that can be applied to the project from the start.

Saving effort

All site inductions should be of a very high standard, given the safety implications involved. But creating and hosting on-site inductions isn’t just a burden pressure-wise, it’s also a burden effort-wise. 

Because traditional site inductions are completed before a new starter begins their first shift on the first day, admin staff, safety managers and any other relevant site staff will need to be on-hand to assist in the presentation and collect essential documents from the new starter, amongst other duties.

This can draw staff away from their important work in their roles on other parts of the site, which could have detrimental effects. But with an online site induction, this wouldn’t be the case. Because new starters complete the induction in their own time, in a location that suits them, site staff needn’t divide their effort and attention between their usual role and creating or presenting a site induction, saving mountains of effort in the long run.

Online inductions also prevent the need for admin staff to make the rushed effort to properly collect, organise and file a new starter’s documents on the day they arrive. Rather, these documents can be uploaded digitally ahead of time, relieving the need for this to take place on day 1.

Saving money

With so many staff members working long hours and expensive materials being used left, right and centre every day, running a construction site isn't cheap. Savings need to be made where they can to reduce unnecessary spending and avoid squandered cash.

But improved productivity is actually one way construction sites can cut costs - by creating a more productive and efficient workflow, sites can better utilise their workforces’ time which will ultimately cut expenditure.

By cutting the time taken to undertake an on-site induction, workers can dive straight into their new roles with as few drawn-out presentations beforehand as possible, raising their productivity and allowing them to contribute more to the project than they would have previously. When all is said and done, this should reduce overall worker hours and cut costs by a considerable margin.

Choose MSite online inductions for your next construction project

If you’re looking for a way to save time, effort and money on each of your site locations, or if you’re interested in experiencing a plethora of benefits new technology can provide, speak to the MSite team. We’ll be happy to walk you through our online induction software - as well as our other amazing products - to see if there is a good fit for you and your needs.